How does the Fair Subscription model work?
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Regardless of whether users participate with large or small trading volumes, they receive a quantity of tokens equivalent to their stake percentage of the total raised capital, provided they commit to participating within the specified time frame.
Users stake $HOLD $ETH or $USDC in a smart contract, similar to a registration process, to qualify for participation in the token sale.
All tokens available for sale will be evenly distributed to users based on their betting ratio.
Example: User A participates in the token sale of Project X with 10 ETH, where the Softcap is set at 1000 ETH, and the Hardcap is at 2000 ETH.
Project X fails to reach the Softcap (<1000 ETH). User A will receive a full refund of their 10 ETH.
Project X raises funds surpassing the Softcap but has not reached the Hardcap. Token X will be distributed using the formula:
User's stake amount / Token's sale price
Project X raises funds exceeding the Hardcap. Token X will be distributed using the formula:
(User's stake amount / Total stakes) * Number of tokens available for sale