πŸ‘·DAO Structure

As a community-driven platform, we value the contribution of our early adopters and supporters. Therefore, we are excited to announce our airdrop program for early contributors, including affiliates and users, who play a crucial role in building and promoting our platform.

At Holdstation Foundation, we are committed to fostering a decentralized and democratic ecosystem. Our governance model is inspired by the best practices of DAOs, ensuring that all stakeholders have a say in the development and direction of our platform. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments from Holdstation Foundation.


Proposal Submitter

Any token holder can submit a proposal for consideration by the DAO


Affiliate Agencies

Bring new users to the platform

Eligible to earn direct USDC rebate and up to 5% of future tokens allocation, and control and voting rights for the future of the protocol

DAO Delegates

Participate in governance decisions

Influence the direction of the protocol and earn a portion of future token allocations.

Holdstation Foundation

Manage the development of the protocol and oversee governance

Ensure the protocol operates efficiently and effectively for the benefit of all stakeholders

How to propose to the DAO?

  1. Submit your proposal: Visit the Holdstation Community Forum and submit your proposal. Make sure to provide a clear and concise description of your project, including goals, timeline, and budget.

  2. Community Review: Your proposal will be reviewed by the Holdstation community, who will evaluate its feasibility, impact, and alignment with the foundation's goals and values.

  3. Voting: If your proposal passes the community review, it will be put up for a vote by the Holdstation Foundation DAO members. The proposal will need to receive a certain amount of votes to be approved.

Last updated